rockets-containerWelcome to Matters of Trust, a blog devoted to timely and relevant insight and commentary on trust administration and litigation.  In the posts that follow, we’ll dive in to the latest news, case law, and issues relating to trusts.

My hope is that whether you are a beneficiary of a trust, a trustee, a CPA or investment manager who works with trust clients, or someone simply interested in how trusts are administered well (or poorly), you’ll find content that relates and matters to you.

If you want to follow and keep up-to-date on each post, simply “Subscribe by E-mail” by submitting your e-mail address under the Stay Connected box on the right sidebar, and you will receive an e-mail when new content is posted.  Pursuant to this Site’s Privacy Policy, your e-mail address will not be shared with a third party.

Please send me your ideas, comments, and trust related news items, and I will do my best to post about them.  I will also consider guest posts if anyone is interested.  Thanks for joining the conversation here at Matters of Trust!

Robert H. Paine
Oxford, Mississippi